All Categories Features & Settings How to fulfill orders using Expressfy?

How to fulfill orders using Expressfy?

Follow these steps to fulfill an order with Expressfy

  1. Login to your Expressfy dashboard

  2. Click the "order list" from the sidebar

  3. Find the order you would like to fulfill, and click the order button 


The order button will show up only for the Expressfy premium users, with this button you can use the semi-automatic order fulfillment feature. (else you need to manually fulfill your orders)

How to fulfill my orders manually?

On the same page (order list), find the product that you wish to fulfill

and click the product title (see screenshot below), this action will redirect you to the Aliexpress supplier product page where you need to order the product and send it to your customer address. 


What does "Semi-Automatic order fulfillment" means?

After a customer places an order, it will be listed in the expressfy dashboard/order list

Expressfy will pre-populate the customer address details on the Aliexpress checkout page. 

Note: the payment process still needs to be done by you & with your credit card.  

Watch the video below as we show how to fulfill an order using Expressfy.

Important: check your Shopify checkout settings, visit the Shopify admin dashboard/settings/checkout and mark the option "Do not automatically fulfill any of the order's line items", else you won't see the orders on the Expressfy side.

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